Two Simple Ways to Improve Your Writing – Reading and Journaling

In ninth or tenth grade, I wrote a story on the life of a piece of pocket lint. I don’tContinue reading “Two Simple Ways to Improve Your Writing – Reading and Journaling”

Reading and Journaling Improve Mental Acuity

My first job out of college was as a hall director and director of minority affairs at a small college.Continue reading “Reading and Journaling Improve Mental Acuity”

Reduce Stress Through Reading and Journaling

Studying for my doctoral comprehensive exams was beastly. I don’t recall how many books I had to have mastered, butContinue reading “Reduce Stress Through Reading and Journaling”

Journaling and Reading Offer the Benefit of Risk in the Safety of Privacy

My friend had planned an escapade and somehow convinced me to go along. I would get permission to spend theContinue reading “Journaling and Reading Offer the Benefit of Risk in the Safety of Privacy”

Reading and Journaling are Low Entry Threshold Endeavors

I minored in education in college. I started on the teacher certification track, but I couldn’t make myself take microContinue reading “Reading and Journaling are Low Entry Threshold Endeavors”